Explore the Lakes in a funky electric 'Twizy'
Ullswater, Cumbria
The head-turning electric Renault ‘Twizys’ are now available for anyone to hire.
Ready to hire from a variety of visitor attractions and accommodation providers, as part of a partnership between the ‘See More’ sustainable travel programme and the national car sharing company Co-wheels Car Club. With no engines, exhausts or fuel systems, they can be driven at the push of a button and will allow visitors who arrive either without a car or in larger vehicles to explore the nooks and crannies of the Lake District in a silent, eco-friendly way, hearing the sounds of the lovely surroundings as you do not get with normal car noises.
To make the funky two-seater vehicles distinctively Cumbrian, each has been branded with its own distinctive sheep personality and named in traditional dialect (a mix of Westmorland and Cumberland numbers).
Content provided by Cumbria Tourism
For more local tourist information:
- Glennridding Ullswater Tic
- Email Address ullswatertic@lakedistrict.gov.uk
- Contact Details 017684 82414
- Twitter @moreUllswater