Get under the skin of Brighton & Hove with a free Greet

Brighton & Hove, East Sussex

Whether you are on your first trip to Brighton & Hove or are a regular visitor, a Greet is a great way to see the city in a new light.

The VisitBrighton Greeters are a group of local residents who want to share their love for the city with visitors. The Greeters will show you what makes Brighton special to them, such as the twittens and catcreeps of the Lanes and the vibrant street art of the North Laine.

Brighton is famous for its Regency architecture, but a Greeter can introduce you to the other architectural gems found in the city – from art deco to the local speciality of bungaroosh.

Best of all, the Greets are free.

Content provided by VisitBrighton

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Regency architecture in historic Hove.Regency architecture in historic Hove © VisitBrighton
Three women looking at a map in Brighton© VisitBrighton

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