Green accreditation schemes

More and more accommodation, attractions and events in England are becoming aware of green issues and are acting more responsibly in their businesses. But how can you be sure that businesses that ‘say’ they’re green, really are green? It’s easy, look out for green (or sustainable) labels, which are increasingly being used by businesses.
Who certifies green businesses?
There are a number of reputable green accreditation certification schemes (labels) who assess tourism and hospitality businesses for their green credentials.
These include:
How are these businesses being green?
Any business that has ‘green’ label will have implemented initiatives across its business that contributes a significant benefit to the environment and to responsible tourism.
Many of these things may be behind the scenes such as energy efficient boilers, insulated lofts or grey water recycling, but there are many fun activities that you can expect to find too. For example, your green business should be able to advise you about traditional activities nearby, the best places to sample local food or buy craft products, or even help you to enjoy a ‘car-free’ day out.