Pay a visit to Virginia Woolf’s Monk’s House
Lewes, Sussex
Travel back in time to see how the poets, artists, intellectuals and philosophers of the Bloomsbury Group lived.
The rooms of Monk’s House have been preserved with such care, they look as if Virginia Woolf and her husband Leonard might return from a countryside stroll at any moment.
See Woolf’s personal collection of Shakespeare’s plays that she handbound, which remain on a bookshelf in her bedroom. Explore the garden, tamed and shaped by her husband, the famous political theorist, editor and writer, Leonard Woolf.
Step back nearly a century and step into Virginia’s famous writing lodge. Take in the views of the orchard that inspired Woolf’s short story and, beyond, of Mount Caburn and the South Downs.
To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of early 20th century intellectualism, stay in the studio cottage in Monk’s House garden.