Bag some bon bons at England’s Oldest Sweet Shop

Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Evoke happy childhood memories with hundreds of retro sweets at The Oldest Sweet Shop in England.

For over 200 years the shelves at The Oldest Sweet Shop, in the Yorkshire Dales village of Pately Bridge, have been stocked with sweets of every variety, size, shape and flavour.

Order a quarter of whatever takes your fancy from the hundreds of bottles and jars, and you’ll feel like you’ve being transported back in time. Even the till is an antique, and your bill is worked out with pen and paper. The kids, of course, will be in their element too - so why not introduce them to your favourite childhood sugary trea? 

Our personal favourites are the sherbet lemons and lurid pink milk teeth – or perhaps it’s the raspberry bonbons or the jelly beans…deciding what to put in your paper bag may end up be harder than you think.

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